Nashpati Achar
Pear pickle/Nashpati Achar is prepared in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh during the month of July and August.
- Category: Himachali Recipes, Pickle Recipes
- Unripe Naspati Fruit
- Fenugreek seeds
- Black mustard seeds
- Thyme seeds
- Turmeric powder
- Red chilli powder
- salt
- mustard oil
- Asafoetida
- Nashpati fruit is washed with water, boiled and transferred into sheeng (traditional sieve) and allowed to drain and kept in the sunlight for drying.
- Thyme seeds, fenugreek and black mustard were roasted and powdered using shilbatta (stone grinder).
- Turmeric powder, red chilli powder, salt, mustard oil and powder of roasted spices are mixed thoroughly with nashpati.
- Before shifting the mixture into gharha smoke of heeng (asafoetida) is given into empty gharha to impart good aroma to the pickle. The whole mixture is then put into a large gharha (earthen pitcher) for fermentation.
- This sweet and sour nashpati pickle can be kept for about 1.5 yrs or more at room temperature for consumption.